Over the past 10 years, Sustainable Brands has become the preeminent platform for shining a light on the power of purpose to drive brand success – and the power of brands to change the world. We’ve noticed, that a growing contingent of consumers are reprioritizing their aspirations away from money and status, toward a different path to happiness.
To dive deeper into these perceptions, in 2017, Sustainable Brands launched a 3-year global initiative around the concept of ‘The Good Life’. The research study shared here, done in partnership with the Harris Poll and supported by Ketchum, represents a crucial first step towards helping us understand what The Good Life means to people today and how they feel about the role of brands in helping them live their new aspirations.
What we found validated the emerging insights we’ve gathered from traveling around the world, talking with people about their feelings about life and their relationship to brands.

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